These are all scenes from Sonoma County. I spent 18 years living in that beautiful county and it was so much fun to revisit and paint it. I saw this beauty in a large and lush field off of Roblar Rd. He looked so lonely to me. Herd animals need friends, but his surroundings were lovely.
Bathed in Light
8 x 10
Oil on Board
Down the road I came on this mellow scene.
Lazy Day
8 x 10
Oil on Board
Driving South on Hwy 1 not too far from Bodega there was this fine view. Couldn't resist.
A Fine View
8 x 10
Oil on Board
Goat Rock is one of my favorite Sonoma beaches. Beautiful in any weather. Caught this just before sundown.
Goat Rock, Twilight
9 x 12
Oil on Board
Fun to do something different. Playing.
Flying Colors
9 x 12
Oil on Board
And that's it for December 2015. Maybe, hah, I'll be a better blogger in 2016, but I'm not holding myself to it.